Heating and Air Conditioning company Carrier –a subsidiary of United Technologies Corp (NYSE: UTX)– announced today that customers who buy a new Carrier product will receive a $1,000 rebate if they also agree to install SolarCity solar panels. The rebate can be applied to furnaces, air conditioners, heat pumps, packed units, ductless systems and total system upgrades.
The two companies even have a joint website at www.carriersolarcity.com.
“Carrier’s collaboration with SolarCity is a natural fit as we look to expand energy efficiency beyond the HVAC system to the whole home,” said Matthew Pine, director of marketing, Carrier. “Our collective offerings allow us to create solutions that enable homeowners to gain more control of their home energy consumption and help create a more robust home energy ecosystem.”
This is another move in SolarCity’s ongoing plan to encourage solar adoption through collaboration. Owners of the BMWi, for example, receive a 10% discount on solar projects. Likewise, Honda owners can receive a $400 discount toward their solar packages.
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If you think of SolarCity, then you probably think of Elon Musk. If you think of Elon Musk, there are two other areas where your mind should go: electric cars (Tesla), and commercial space travel (SpaceX). SpaceX actually has a lesser-known competitor who is making big moves in space travel. It’s worth your time to check them out.